Repurpose your purpose: blogs become posts become tweets

You know those days when you’re sat in front of the computer wringing your hands, or nervously staring at your phone, wondering what to post about next on your Facebook page? And you get that prickly feeling of anxiety in your chest, that bile rising in your throat, that rush of heat to your head because you have abso-frickin-lutely NO idea what to write about next? Well don’t panic, don’t fall apart, we’ve all been there before…and there is a solution! The answer lies in the blog content you have already written.

If you’ve been doing a good job of your blogging – writing articles that answer the questions of your target audience, positioning yourself as an expert in your field, offering valuable ideas – then you already have a plethora of posts for social media just waiting to be extracted. Did you know that???? Look no further than your own backyard and you will find SO much great information that you can simply break apart and repurpose for social media.

Why repurpose your content?

Modern business is all about efficiency – automation, outsourcing and repurposing. We do these things so that we can give attention to the things that really matters to us and that are easy for us to do (because we know them and love them).  If numbers are hard for you, outsource your bookkeeping. If marketing is hard for you, ask a professional for help. If cleaning is your distraction, get that shit sorted by someone else. When it comes to content creation for your business, time and inspiration are the biggest killers. They are used over and over again as excuses for not getting anything written. Well I’m here to help you eradicate those excuses. Repurposing your content is one of the cleverest and most efficient things to learn and implement in your business.

Content repurposing can help you ‘look like you are everywhere’ without having to put in the effort of ‘being everywhere’.  The same ideas can be produced in different formats on multiple social media sites and can also help you reach people who may not consume the content in its original form. Some people love visual content, others love short sharp text, and still others prefer long detailed descriptions. So when you share your content in different formats, you’re helping to appeal to people with different learning styles.

How to repurpose your written blogs

It’s simple really. Each blog post should be able to generate about 6-8 Facebook posts. You just need to get used to reviewing your work with a critical eye, and deciphering which are the most valuable bits.

  1. Choose a blog (make sure it’s one that really helps your target audience in some manner).
  2. Pull out a poignant quote – then post it.
  3. Pull out another poignant quote, pop into Canva, put it on a pretty background – then post it
  4. Pull out the picture – then post it.
  5. Write up the main idea in a sentence or two – then post it.
  6. Pull out the first dot point or subheading – then post it.
  7. Repeat step 5 until you cover off all dot points or subheads.
  8. Copy and paste a blog comment from a reader – then post it.

How to repurpose your video blogs

  1. Get your video blogs transcribed (this is great for SEO so you should be doing this anyway)
  2. Repeat the steps above!
  3. Edit the blog and post just short snippets
  4. Extract the audio and podcast it

How easy it that? Instantly you have a week’s worth of posts around a particular topic, then you can go ahead and repost a link to the entire blog again, because, guess what? Not everyone read it the first time!

I encourage you to repurpose your content as much as possible. Content creation won’t feel like such a burden and your message will be consistent.

3 Comments Repurpose your purpose: blogs become posts become tweets

  1. Pingback: Words have power - use them wisely | Content Coach

  2. Pingback: How many words should my book contain? | Content Coach

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