My Books

I’ve written two really useful content marketing books for busy business owners who know they have something to say but struggle with how to say it. Stories Sell provides the fundamentals of content marketing using storytelling as a methodology. Whilst Content Prompt for Business Owners is more of a workbook and includes 365 writing prompts plus tips and blogging structures to get you focused and consistently producing great content.

Buy 1 of each content marketing book in a bundle for $50 – SAVE $19.95!

Stories Sell Book

I spent a little time, wrote a little thing, and voila! It turned into a book. An honest to goodness real life book. Go figure.Stories Sell Book Cover

The book, Stories Sell: use YOURS to explode your business, tells the tale of how I turn nervous nellies into sassy storytellers. It’s for business owners who are struggling with their marketing, unable to figure out how to stand out amongst the noise and clutter of the online world.

It provides readers the exact framework I use with my individual coaching clients to help them uncover then unleash the stories that matter to them, but importantly, will matter to their audience.  It shows you what to do with those stories once you have them, and how to craft them into useful marketing material. If you follow the steps you’ll find content creation far easier and more rewarding than ever before.  You’ll start to shine more brightly and the right people will begin to notice you, and when that happens….well….

Read more about STORIES SELL and buy your copy here – single price $29.95!


Content Prompts for Business Owners

Coming up with new ideas for blogs and posts week-in-week-out is not easy.  In fact it can be tedious, mind-numbing and downright disheartening!

But blogging is a really useful tactic for growing your following, elevating your influence and increasing business. So you really ought to keep at it.  So, where are you going to get some good inspo?

Try my 365 days of writing prompts for starters!!!

Inside you’ll find useful info on how to use the book and some great ideas on different styles of blogs and posts.  The 365 writing prompts are broken up into 7 categories and cover things such as Inspiration/Aspiration, Behind the Scenes, and Teaching prompts.  Each writing prompt page has space to scribble some headline ideas, a spot to write down the keywords you want to optimise for, a space for the all-important call to action and a publish date to hold yourself accountable. There’s also a breakout box for other ideas that pop up whilst you’re writing your response to the prompt…because, I don’t know about you, but often when I’m blogging I’ll go down a rabbit hole and uncover a whole bunch of new thinking and ideas and, unless I jot them down immediately, I forget them!  The Content Prompt Book for Business Owners is meant to be scribbled in, dog-eared, highlighted and repeatedly referred to. Pop one on your desk today!

See inside this super helpful book and buy your copy here- Single Price $40.


Buy both content marketing books in a bundle here and SAVE $19.95 (+postage)