Content Prompts for Business Owners Book

Blogging is not dead! Long live Blogging!Content Prompts for Business Owners Book

If you want to attract more visitors to your website, to rank well in search engines, and to have a platform for your thought leadership….

If you’re interested in offering value to your raving fans whilst growing the number of followers, so you can eventually sell to them….

Then look no further than blogging.

The Content Prompts for Business Owners book will help you create blogs that can then be repurposed in dozens of other types of content for your business.

This book steps you through an easy-peasy process that makes writing a breeze!

It can be tricky to keep coming up with new ideas to write about… so tricky that most days you just give up.

But relax. You’re in good hands now…

I’ve has written millions of words – words that resonate with my audience and that ultimately sell stuff – and I come up with new ideas on a daily basis.

This book is the tool to help you do it too.

Inside you’ll find:

  • 365 blog and content writing prompts to choose from – one for every day of the year!
  • Space to capture keywords, headlines, and related ideas.
  • Info on how to write different blog post types, formats and mediums.
  • Advice on the key structural elements of a successful blog post.


Buy Content Prompts for Business Owners now.

DIGITAL BOOK – $21.95 (instant delivery) (secure PayPal link)

REAL BOOK – $40.00 + $15.00 postage within Australia (It’s a heavy bugger!) (secure PayPal link)


About the Creator 

I’m Jo, The Content Coach. I teach expert business owners how to clarify their message and create large bodies of content that effectively convey, connect, and convert. Stories are the key.

I’ve blogged for years. Partly for my own enjoyment and release (a desperate mum has to have somewhere to unleash her frustrations at 2am! ), but largely for the benefit of my clients and to raise my profile.

One of the biggest challenges my clients share is how to constantly come up with new and interesting things to say. The good news is, you don’t have to! I’ve done it for you. The Content Prompts for Business Owners book was created with YOU in mind.  Use it wisely, weirdly or whichever way you wish – just use it!!

Buy Content Prompts for Business Owners now.

DIGITAL BOOK – $21.95 

REAL BOOK – $40.00 + $15.00 postage within Australia