Speaking gigs

I love a chat… And I love to share.  Speaking kinda comes naturally to me….even when it’s in front of big crowds.

People have called me ‘inspiring’, ‘warm’, ‘amazing’, ‘compelling’, ‘generous’, and a ‘GREAT storyteller’. But that’s other people, right?

If YOU would like to find out what to call me, then contact me so we can talk about how I can add value to your next event.

I love presenting on stage at conferences and corporate events, whether as a keynote or part of a panel. I also love the more intimate nature of networking gigs, retreats, and Meet-Ups. I have a story for all occasions and lots and lots of things I can share with you and your crew about growing a business and making content marketing less of a pain in the backside.

You can download my speaker bio here.

Jo Johnson speaker bio

Jo Johnson speaker bio








You want some evidence I can do this stuff, right? So here are a few bits.

A guest on Charley Valher’s The Business of Podcasting podcast.– The Framework for Telling Great Stories.

Charley Valher Business of Podcasting episode

A guest on Brett Trainor’s Podcast, B2B Founder – How to Leverage Storytelling as  Competitive Differentiator.


As a panel guest on The Business Playroom – Stories Sell

The Business Playroom – Effective Content Strategies


Having a chat with Jackie Mitchell on RPP.FM’s Taking Care of Business show.

Jo Johnson Radio Star