Content Marketing Strategy

content marketing strategyContent Marketing Strategy

Is your brand’s message in tune with your business delivery? Do you know who your audience really is and what they want more than anything from you? Do you know what language they use, what triggers there, and where they hang out online? Are you a niche player? Local? Or simply the best at what you do? I can help you uncover these answers, then use them in conjunction with your business voice to create an effective content marketing strategy that you can use to deliver on your promises.

The myriad online marketing channels available can be confusing. I will simplify the options for you. We’ll create a content marketing strategy in PLAIN ENGLISH.

I look at what content you already have and how you can generate more and will help you to build a month by month content plan. The plan is easy to follow and implement and will easily attract, engage and convert more readers into customers.

Book a single 90 minute coaching session here and we’ll nail your content marketing strategy!