You and Me and Bali makes Three

A poem about you and me on a Bali retreat.

You and Me equals creativity,

Yet You and Me operate practically.

You and Me create possibility,

Because You and Me lead our industry.

You and Me get stuff done quickly,

But You and Me always generate quality.

You and Me see things differently,

So You and Me nurture our own posse.

You and Me regard our work highly,

But You and Me are as approachable as can be.

You and Me defend our views fully,

Yet You and Me agree to disagree happily.

You and Me want others to know we’re somebody,

But You and Me are not in the slightest flashy.

You and Me make promises that aren’t empty,

Because You and Me know our stuff completely.

You and Me simply want the world to see,

That You and Me are legendary.

ps.  You and Me in Bali, would be extraordinary.


Join me, from 24-29 June, at my Bali retreat for Thought Leaders.

I’ll help you distil the knowledge in your head, bring it out through your heart in your own unique voice, and use it to create a usable body of content that will have others begging for your advice and opinion. You’ll finally get the recognition you deserve as an amazing thought leader in your industry.

Join me for a week of learning, creating, thinking.

Your body will thank you for it.
Your mind will thank you for it.
Your business will benefit from it.
Your family will benefit from it.

Book a call today to find out more about the Bali retreat

Teaching this old dog new tricks: #COPYCON18 (a conference for word nerds)

It’s easy to view yourself as an ‘expert’ once everyone else does.  You get asked to speak on certain topics, requested for input into articles, and invited to sit on panels – for me that’s being a copywriter, a content coach, a marketing coach.  You could be forgiven for thinking to yourself: I’ve got this. I reckon I know my stuff – (finally!).

And then suddenly you realise a couple years have gone by and you haven’t really done much ‘professional development’ or learnt anything super new in your specific field of expertise. Or along the way you’ve diversified, and the thing you’re known for is only one small string to your now blossoming bow.

That’s when #copycon18 came into my field of vision.  Great timing and just the ticket to reignite my copywriter’s soul.

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4 awesome ways you know your content matters

At an event I spoke at recently, a question was asked of me: “Does content matter?”


Hells yeah it matters!  With a caveat…

Content for content’s sake is garbage and a waste of time. Content that is purely self-serving and sales-oriented is also icky.  But content that adds value, educates, enlightens, inspires, motivates, challenges, raises awareness, absolutely fricken matters. And that’s what we should all be aiming to create. Content with an impact.

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Content creation when you hate writing

I get this question (or rather, exasperated statement!) about content creation all the time.
“I can’t write!”
“How am I supposed to do all this content creation everyone expects when I HATE writing!?”

I’m one of those people you probably love to hate, because I love writing. I always have. Ever since I could pick up a crayon I have loved writing.

My essays won me competitions in school. My unsolicited articles secured me paid travel-writing gigs. My copywriting skills got me promotion. And my succinct wit has won me a number of 25 words or less competitions (my husband is still waiting for me to win a car or something more useful than hairtongs though…)

Yessiree, I am madly in love with the written word. It’s my favorite way to create content for my business.

However, I know for a fact that my love is not shared by all. In fact, I know for sure that some entrepreneurs actually hate writing. They may not even be bad at it, regardless, they hate it. And that’s cool.

I’m going to bust a myth that plagues the marketing world … that:

great content creators = great writers. Continue reading