More is more when it comes to your ideal client

Sasha is 41 years old.  She’s married, has two young children, a dog, a lovely house in the suburbs and a relationship that’s comfortable.  She runs her own business, formally exercises once a week (but kids herself she’s burning serious calories picking up after the children all day), drinks wine and coffee and then green juices. She usually shops at  Target but has no problem buying $300 shoes. She has heaps to say and can talk underwater but struggles with a pen. She is passionate about her passion and is desperate for it to consume more of her life…if only she could carve out a few extra hours each day.  She’s happy, driven, but not ecstatic – yet.

You know quite a lot about our ideal client don’t you? Because you’ve been told ad infinitum that this is the cornerstone of business marketing.  Every program, every course, every webinar has banged on about it for years. You got the message.

Or did you?

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